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June 2020: Travelling Through Centuries

Wisdom Foundation

Updated: Jan 23, 2021

On the 7th of June 2020, we had another virtual Pen Buddies session, where we talked to children from UK, Nigeria and Russia about travelling. We explored together, how people travelled thousands of years ago and when the first boats and wheels were invented.

We learnt about history of cars, trains and air planes, and discussed the ways people travel in the 21st century. Amazingly, there are still places where people do not use cars or any public transport, bicycles and donkeys are the ways to commute around there. Those places are Hydra island in Greece and Rottnest island in Australia, and our Pen Buddies members were there!

Matvey, participant from Russia, prepared a presentation about his wonderful trip to Slovakia, and shared his experience of the charming country with rivers, mountains and very friendly people. He also saw lizards and snakes there. We all learnt that the mountains in Slovakia are called Tatra mountains, which means "rocky", and the region he visited is called "Slovenský raj", that means "Slavic Paradise", because it is a very beautiful place, with waterfalls and rivers, surrounded by mountains.

In the end of the session we all made paper planes and boats, also known as origami.

Everyone enjoyed to e-meet their Pen Buddies at this visual session, learn from each other, share knowledge and most importantly, we had fun.

As always, we had a quiz about the travelling, and both children and their parents took part in in. We were surprised how knowledgeable our Pen Buddies participants are, all answers were correct!

We are looking forward to the next session in July. Watch the space for registration at our Pen Buddies page here

You might be also interested in taking part in our Global Pen Buddies Costume design competition. Find out more here


We have connected over 500 kids from UK with the children from other parts of the world through writing letters to their Pen Buddies in Cambodia, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Russia, Namibia & Vietnam.

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