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Children Safeguarding Policy

You may view online or download all policies under Wisdom (Zhihui) Foundation here.

Although we are not a statutory childcare organisation, Wisdom (Zhihui) Foundation (Including Bournemouth Chinese School), its staff and volunteers have an obligation and responsibility to be aware of and report concerns related to protecting, safeguarding, and promoting the welfare of the children and young people and vulnerable adults with whom we work. 


What constitutes a child protection issue? 

This is best answered by defining what constitutes the abuse of a child or young person under the age of 18: 

  • Abuse is a deliberate act of ill-treatment that can harm or is likely to harm a child or young person’s safety, well-being, and development. Abuse can be physical, sexual, or emotional. 

  • Neglect of a child or young person also constitutes abuse and can be defined as failing to provide or secure for a child or young person the basic needs of physical safety and well-being. 

It is important to remember, however, that abuse may not necessarily fall easily into these categories if you are not an expert in the area of child protection. 


Good Practice: 


Before any activity starts, the designated person shall ensure that adequate child protection procedures are in place, as follows: 

  • Each parent must fill out a consent form for each child/young person attending the school. 

  • A register must be kept of all children/young people attending the school's activities, including information about arrival and departure times. 

  • A daily diary or signing-in book must be kept for all adults on the premises (staff members, volunteers, parents, and visitors). 

  • Team members will record any unusual events on the accident/incident form or in the daily diary, unless this includes anything confidential. 

  • Where possible, staff/ volunteers should not be alone with a child/young person, although it is recognised that there may be times when this may be necessary or helpful.  

  • The school recognises that physical touch between adults and children/young people can be healthy and acceptable in public places. However, staff/volunteers will be discouraged from this in circumstances where an adult and child/young person are alone together.  

  • All team members should treat all children/young people with dignity and respect in their attitude, language, and actions. 



While getting involved in the session/event: 


  1. Staff responsibilities 

All staff have a key role to play in identifying concerns early and in providing help for 
children. To achieve this they will: 
• Establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged 
to talk and are listened to. 
• Ensure children know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if 
they are worried about any problems. 
• Plan opportunities within the curriculum for children to develop the skills they need 
to assess and manage risk appropriately and keep themselves safe. 
• Attend training in order to be aware of and alert to the signs of abuse. 
• Maintain an attitude of “it could happen here” with regards to safeguarding. 
• Record their concerns if they are worried that a child is being abused and report 
these to the relevant person as soon as practical that day. 
• If the disclosure is an allegation against a member of staff they will follow the 
allegations’ procedures. 
• Follow the procedures set out by the LSCB and take account of guidance issued by 
the DfE. 
• Support pupils in line with their child protection plan. 
• Ensure they know who the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and deputy DSL 
are and know how to contact them. 
• Treat information with confidentiality but never promising to “keep a secret”. 
• Notify DSL of any child on a child protection plan who has unexplained absence. 
• In the context of early help, staff will notify colleagues and/or parents of any 
concerns about their child(ren), and provide them with, or signpost them to, 
opportunities to change the situation. 
• Liaise with other agencies that support pupils and provide early help 




II.               What you can do 

If you are an adult and suspect that a young person or adult needs protection or is at risk of abuse, contact the proper statutory authority: 


1.You must report your concerns immediately to the designated person when you are at the event 

Step-by-step guidance for staff/volunteers on dealing with their earliest concerns is provided on the card 'What to do if you are worried that a child is being abused'. This guidance is produced by the Department of Health and endorsed by the local authority. Copies of the card must be available to every member of staff and volunteer.  

The designated person will:  

- obtain information from staff/volunteers, children/young people or parents/carers who 

have child protection concerns and record this information 

- assess the information quickly and carefully and ask for further information, as 


-consult with a statutory child protection agency such as the local social services department or the NSPCC to clarify any doubts or worries 

-ensure that the parents/carers of the child/young person are contacted as soon as 

possible, following advice from the social services department  

- make a referral to a statutory child protection agency or to the police without delay.  

If the school's designated person is the subject of the suspicion/allegation, the report must be made to the chair of the management committee, who will refer the allegation to social services 

2. Suspicions will not be discussed with anyone other than those named above.  

3.It is the right of any individual to make direct referrals to the child protection agencies. 

If, for any reason, you believe that the designated people have not responded appropriately to your concerns, then it is up to you to contact the child protection agencies directly.  

4.If a child makes a disclosure of abuse:  

- make notes as soon as possible (ideally within one hour of being told) 

-write down exactly what the child/young person has said, what you said in reply and what was happening immediately before you were told (for example, what activity was taking place) 

-record dates, times and when you made the record  

-keep all your handwritten notes secure 

-report your discussion to the designated person as soon as possible 

- if the designated person is implicated, you need to report to the second designated person  

-if both are implicated, report to social services  

-do not discuss your suspicions or allegations with anyone other than those nominated above 

- the designated person must consider carefully whether or not it is safe for a child/young person to return home to a potentially abusive situation, and, if necessary, they should take immediate action to contact social services in order to discuss putting safety measures into effect. 

5.Allegations of physical injury or neglect  

If a child/young person has a symptom of physical injury or neglect, the designated person will: 

  • contact social services for advice in cases of deliberate injury or concerns about the safety of the child/young person, but they must not inform the parents/carers 

  • seek emergency medical attention if necessary 

  • inform the child's/young person's doctor of any suspicions of abuse 

in other circumstances, speak with the parent/carer and suggest that medical 

help/attention is sought for the child/young person 

• if appropriate, encourage the parent/carer to seek help from social services 

• if the parent/carer fails to act, seek advice from the Local Safeguarding Children Board 

• in the case of real concern, contact social services for advice. 

6.Allegations of sexual abuse  

In the event of allegations or suspicions of sexual abuse, the designated person will: 

  • contact the social services duty social worker for children and families directly, but must not speak to the parent or to anyone else  

  • seek advice from the Local Safeguarding Children Board  

  • collect and clarify the precise details of the allegation or suspicion and provide this information to social services, but should not attempt to carry out any investigation into the allegation or suspicion of sexual abuse 

  •  while allegations or suspicions of sexual abuse should normally be reported to the designated person, their absence should not delay referral to social services. 

7.Responding to a child making an allegation of abuse 

  • It is important not to make promises that you may not be able to keep. Do not say that you will keep confidential what a child/young person is about to tell you, as you may have a duty to share it with others.  

  • Find an appropriate early opportunity to explain that it is likely that the information will need to be shared with others.  

  • Stay calm and listen carefully to what the child/young person is saying.  

  • Allow the child/young person to continue at their own pace. 

  •  Ask questions for clarification only and at all times avoid asking questions that suggest a particular answer. 

  • Reassure the child/young person that they have done the right thing in telling you. 

  • Tell them what you will do next and with whom the information will be shared. 

  • As soon as possible, record in writing what was said, using the child's/young person's own words.  

  • Make a note of the date, time, any names mentioned and to whom the information was given and ensure that the record is signed and dated.  


Please, refer to the Digital Safeguarding Policy for the virtual events and activities. 

Wisdom (Zhihui) Foundation  

(UK Charity Number: 1162663) 
Reviewed: May 2021 

Next review: May 2022 

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